Until 2010, the only way to obtain a divorce in New York was to prove that your spouse was at fault for the breakdown in the marriage. Common evidence of fault was adultery, physical abuse or spousal abandonment. As may be imagined, proving fault could be a time and...
Month: April 2023
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Modifying a child support order in New York
Many residents of Long Island who have experienced the turmoil of a divorce look on the judge’s signature on the final order as the last step in a long and exhausting journey. Of course, life is inherently uncertain, and a change in circumstances of one or both...
Escaping from a prenuptial agreement in New York
Unfortunately, many Long Island marriages end in divorce, at which time a prenuptial agreement may become a heavy burden for one of the spouses. The burdened spouse is almost certain to ask if the prenuptial agreement can be declared invalid. The answer in New York...