In New York, various measures are in place to protect individuals and ensure their safety in situations of conflict or danger. One important legal tool available for this purpose is the order of protection. There are several types available, and all of them establish boundaries and restrictions on individuals who pose a threat to others.
Understanding the different types of orders of protection available is helpful when going through the legal process of getting one.
Temporary orders of protection
Temporary orders of protection are usually issued quickly to provide immediate relief to someone in danger. These orders are often granted without a full court hearing and last until a future court date. They can require the person causing harm to stay away from the other person and refrain from any contact or communication.
Full orders of protection
Full orders of protection get issued after a court hearing where both parties have the opportunity to present their cases. These orders are more permanent and can last for months or even years. They outline specific conditions that the threatening person must follow, such as staying away from the home, workplace or school of the person they have been targeting.
Stay-away orders
Stay-away orders require the individual responsible for causing injury to stay a certain distance away from the other person at all times. This distance can vary depending on the circumstances but is typically at least 100 feet. Violating the order can result in serious consequences, including arrest and further legal action.
No-contact orders
No-contact orders prohibit the person causing harm from contacting the other individual in any way, including in person, by phone, through text messages, emails or social media. These orders are necessary to prevent further harassment or intimidation.
By learning about the various types of orders, individuals can better advocate for their safety and seek appropriate legal remedies when needed.