
Will domestic violence continue through divorce?

There is this commonly held myth, perpetrated by popular media, that once you leave an abusive relationship, everything is okay. However, that is not always the case. Abuse victims leave to save their lives, but the abusers can find ways to continue their abuse, even...

Is divorce the same for everyone?

No two divorces ever look exactly the same. But, is there a difference between the experiences of gay divorcees and heterosexual divorcees? Marriage equality vs. divorce equality Since about 2015, marriage equality has been the law because it was recognized as a...

What happens to marital debt after a divorce?

Debt is a staple in many Suffolk County area homes. We take on debt in the forms of a home mortgage, car payments, medical care, credit cards, etc. So, when you and your spouse decide to get a divorce, what happens to this debt? Marital property vs. separate property...

The advantages of an uncontested divorce

Some divorces are so acrimonious that they can only be resolved in court. Most can be resolved out of court through an agreement between the parties. The first thing they have to agree upon is simply the fact that both of them want to get divorced. When the parties...

The advantages of mediation in a New York divorce

Most residents of New York are rightfully apprehensive about going through a divorce. The outcome is uncertain, the cost can be astronomical, the process itself can be stressful, and both parties will experience a range of unpleasant emotions, ranging from intense...


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