If you have a child, you know that a big part of your job as a parent is making decisions about how to raise your child. Some decisions have to do with day-to-day matters, such as whether your child should wear a coat today or what to serve for dinner tonight. Other...
Year: 2022
Family gatherings and divorce
Ending a marriage or relationship should not end family get togethers for events such as graduations, birthdays, funerals and weddings. These events, however, should not be treated as a high school reunion where you plan to show your former rivals how successful and...
What is a blended family?
Divorce marks both an end and a beginning. Over time, the longing for companionship can draw people together. Although new, these relationships blend aspects of the past with hopes for the future. Children comprise the most prominent part the new family. As with any...
Can my job lead me to divorce?
There are many underlying causes for most divorces. One of the most common is financial trouble. Another factor that can play a role is the career of one or both of the spouses. The data One study ranked some of the careers in which younger people were more likely to...
Tips for making your kids comfortable in your new home
As readers of this blog know, we focus on divorce issues. This includes child custody issues. Indeed, in a recent blog post, we discussed how to juggle child custody during the holiday season. In this post, we will focus on how New York parents can make their...
How does domestic violence affect custody determinations?
Child custody determinations in New York are very fact-specific matters. The dynamics within each individual home contribute to the court’s decisions about which parent will receive custody of their children. Ultimately, courts make child custody determinations based...
It’s not too early to think about child custody and holiday plans
Child custody plans – even the most well-designed ones – can oftentimes cause tension and disagreements between parents. While most custody plans usually outline the broad strokes of how to handle legal custody, physical custody and visitation, there will inevitably...
What should I know about divorce due to irretrievable breakdown?
Divorce has become so common in Long Island that people may not be fully aware of the nuance and complexities. Under New York law, there are seven grounds for divorce. The simplest way to end a marriage is to say that it is irretrievably broken. This eliminates the...
Will domestic violence continue through divorce?
There is this commonly held myth, perpetrated by popular media, that once you leave an abusive relationship, everything is okay. However, that is not always the case. Abuse victims leave to save their lives, but the abusers can find ways to continue their abuse, even...
Is divorce the same for everyone?
No two divorces ever look exactly the same. But, is there a difference between the experiences of gay divorcees and heterosexual divorcees? Marriage equality vs. divorce equality Since about 2015, marriage equality has been the law because it was recognized as a...